Rise of Great Britain


The sea trade of India was once under the control of the red Arabs, which the Portuguese had won from them. At the height of their power the Dutch had settlements at The Cape of Good Hope and they held Mauritius. They also had fortified stations dotted all over the East Indies, but their selfishness for trading had excluded other European traders. This forced the English, French, Danes and Swedes into hostile competition. The Great Mogul overlord had then become an ineffective puppet!

1......1588.....The Spanish Armada was defeated!

2......1589.....The merchants of London asked Queen Elizabeth I if they could sail
                     the Indian ocean to do trading, which no doubt involved plundering!
3......1591.....Good Queen Bess granted permission to sail the ocean on April 10th.

4......1610.....Britain was trading more than ever even though her roads were muddy.
                     Many goods were going in and out of ports at London Bristol and Man
                     Chester. Britain was starting to become the trading centre of the world.
                     The East India Company was born. Cotton, salt, opium, salpetre, in
                     digo dye and silk...See “My Journey Back In Time” Page 80.

                     At first The British Government had no direct control over this trading
                     or commercial system of things or no shares with the East India Com
                     Pany. Instead, all the wealthy aristocratic merchants owned or con
                     trolled the Company’s shares! Many of them were now building large
                     fine houses for themselves, while other European nations were strug
                     gling for commercial and political control in India. Great Britain now
                     levied tax’s over great areas and their was no one to challenge its dome

5......1792.....Many traders returned home to England with great wealth and spoils
                     from India. The British Government had to step in because of greed!
                     English Parliament now found itself dominating over the London Trad
                     ing company, which had failed to exercise effective supervision over
                     their trading with India . See “My Journey Back In Time” Page 80.
                      Also see > Jeremiah chapter10: verse 23.

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